Day 2 - Starting up, more resources and Hello World.
Hello there!
Starting to study a new programming language, even if you already knew it a bit from previous experiences, is always an adventure. Failing around variable declaration can feel like you don’t really know that much, or may be this sort of learning experience is not for oneself, but now it’s time to start strong and…well, better show than tell.
Gathering good resources
It’s not the same to learn from a practical/video tutorial than a fully theoretical/text one, as for myself, at least just for the basics, I tend to prefer video & practical approach.
That sounds good and all, but what resources did you actually find? Which one/s are you using for this early stages?.
Reddit is a enormous source of information, so I joined r/golang and found a pinned post which contained a bunch of resources, both text and video based. Reddit post.
Even so, I digged a bit further for Spanish creators, and fortunately enough I found an introductory video made by MoureDev that I am still pending to finish. MoureDev’s video
Let’s not forget official guidance around the basics and more. Go Tour & Official Docs
And some already known sources as W3Schools (Personally will keep it handy for syntax and specific usages research).
Moreover, I’ve got my eye over bigger scoped courses that might be helpful, provided by companies as Microsoft or Google, the second of whom actually expand the topic into how to deploy the code into App Engine
How did day 2 progress went then?
In short, I followed MoureDev’s introduction to Go since I wanted to revisit both code syntax basics and more conceptual notions about Golang. Progress can be followed at my Golang Learning Repo
- Hello World
- Reviewing Variable types
- Flux control (if/else if)
- Arrays
- Loops
- Lists
- Maps
- Functions
- Structs
Next steps
Now that I have refreshed the basics about the language itself, I want to go over Golang’s official tour so I can get wider general comprehension of it, then I shall deepen myself into more challenging aspects of writing code, either via codewars, gophercises or any other solution I might find on my way.
That being said, this is all for today’s post,
See you next time!